New Hampshire Neurofeedback

I have been a provider and Neurofeedback trainer for nearly two decades.
I became interested in Neurofeedback due to Lyme disease in our family. After several years of the medical community being unable to resolve the long-term debilitating effects from Lyme disease, a neurologist suggested we try neurofeedback. After a few years of struggles with cognitive problems, fatigue, mild depression and sleep impairment; we welcomed neurofeedback into our lives and saw incredible improvements from the side effects of Lyme disease by having short- or long-term issues disappear. Given the life changing benefits neurofeedback provided for my family I decided to get certified as a trainer and make this resource available to other people. I love working with Neurofeedback. Everyone that I see has their own story to tell. It is such a joy to see people benefit from Neurofeedback and thereby maximize their potential in life.
I was a volunteer EMT and instructor for many years and at times my colleagues would come for neurofeedback which helped them greatly with processing things they had seen. I kept hearing "I sleep better" , "I feel less stressed", "my headaches are gone"," I am better able to manage my day-to-day life ". I also am trained in Reiki and have used it for the last 30 years.
Anni Jakobsen