New Hampshire Neurofeedback

How long is a session? 60 minutes. First session scheduled for 90 minutes due to paperwork.
How often should I do Sessions? - We empower our clients to make that decision. Most people choose twice a week in the beginning then switch to once a week.
How many Sessions for X, Y or Z? – It depends on the individual.
How many Sessions is enough? - Until our clients feel what they came in for is resolved. That varies from a few months to a year and beyond.
Do people have side effects? - It's 100% noninvasive. Some people feel a bit tired other feels energized.
What to expect after first session? - Each person is different, and each person will notice different things.
Do results last? - It is a learned process, like learning to read.
Medications- Medications may need to be adjusted as your CNS learns to function as it used to. It is up to you and your prescribing doctor to adjust medication or not.
When to stop Neurofeedback? It is up to the clients to be aware of the very subtle shifts and determine when it makes sense to conclude the sessions. To assist with that determinations every session you fill out a pre and post session sheet with a few questions. As you do more sessions you will be able to look back at your notes and it will be clear as to where you were as supposed to where you are now.
What about Booster sessions? Many times, if someone has finished their sessions they may occasionally want to come back and do additional sessions. Unless a major event has happened usually a handful of sessions will help our clients get back to feeling restored.